Wycliffe School – Out Of The Art Room Exhibition

04 Apr 2016

Wycliffe College is delighted to welcome you to our exhibition ‘Out Of The Art Room’.

Featuring work from ex-pupils and current staff of the Wycliffe College Art Department, the exhibition will run concurrently with the nationally known Stroud Open Studios weekends.

Over the years the senior school Art Department has produced many artists who have gone on to develop successful careers in the visual arts. We are delighted to have this opportunity to welcome a select group back to Wycliffe to celebrate their work, as well as to show current students and the wider community what they are doing now.


Duncan Beedie (OW 1988 – 1996)

James Bingham (OW 1986 – 1992)

Freya Gabie (OW 1995 -2002)

Colin Glen (OW 1978 -1986)

Nikki Green – Wycliffe Staff

Steven Hubbard – Wycliffe Staff

Oliver Marsden (OW 1984 – 1991)

Alexandra Merry (OW 1989 – 1997)

Katherine Merry (OW 1988 -1997)

Alex Norman-Walker – Wycliffe Staff

Asya Segalovich (OW 2008 – 2013)

Sabrina Shah Hakim (OW 2006 – 2010)

Rose Wordsworth – Wycliffe Staff

The exhibition will be in the Atrium, School House on the weekends of 7th – 8th May and 14th – 15th May from 11am until 4.00pm and is open to the general public, so please feel free to bring friends, family and guests.

We look forward to seeing you there