Wycliffe College – Equestrian Report

16 Jun 2017

Friday 14th April, Good Friday, saw the Wycliffe Equestrian Team travel to Calmsden, near Cirencester, for the National Schools Equestrian Associations Independent Schools One Day Event. Wycliffe had a team of three girls, Rachel Hatherell (year 9 pupil), Isla Green (year 11 pupil) and Harriet Thompson (year 9 pupil) entered in the BE90cms class. All riders compete in a dressage test, a show jump course and a cross country course with all three scores being added together and the lowest score wins.

All three rode beautifully accurate dressage tests with Rachel storming into the lead in her section with a score of only 22.3. They went on to produce faultless clear rounds in what was proving to be a very tricky show jumping course meaning they all went out to cross country on their dressage scores. Once again all three girls stormed the cross country clear with just a few time faults for being a little too fast! After a cool down it was time to head for the results table. A nervous 3 hour wait was had before it was confirmed that Wycliffe had WON the BE90 class beating 14 other schools including Cheltenham College, Cheltenham Ladies College and St Johns Academy amongst others. Not only had they won the team event Rachel and Isla were placed individually in a field of 30 other competitors in their section. Isla came 2nd and Rachel 1st. An outstanding achievement and performance. Well done!

Sunday 30th April was another Independent Schools One Day Event held at Swalcliffe Park. Josh Barker, a year 8 pupil, was entered as an individual in his first ever BE90 class. He rode brilliantly gaining a double clear, just picking up a few time faults on the cross country course, to finish on a score of 42.6. This put him just outside the rosettes on this occasion but is a fantastic result for Josh and William’s (his horse) first BE90 competition.