Wycliffe College – Activities at the Prep

04 Jul 2019

Mr Palmer, Headmaster of Wycliffe Prep School, writes about some of the exciting activities that have taken place over the last few weeks at school!

More exciting things have happened in the Prep School over the last few days. One of our activities this term is Courtroom Drama which culminates in the children concerned acting out a real murder trial in Gloucester Court. The case they looked at this year was ‘The Murder of Julia Wallace’ from 1931. We were especially privileged this year that the author, Antony Brown, joined us for the event.

Pupils in Year 8 having been actively engaged in completing their Kirby Challenge and a group of our Year 8 boys have been undertaking some outstanding work, helping Gloucester feed the hungry. The photograph shows the boys presenting a cheque for £500 that they raised for the organisation. They have been very active helping serve food and talking to adults in Gloucester on Sundays and we are incredibly proud of all of them.

Yesterday the Year 8 pupils tackled a ten mile walk on the Malvern Hills which was a real challenge – see photo.

Our Year 4 children have been enjoying a residential trip to Hooke Court where they have been set various challenges.