Winterfold School – Charity Afternoon Tea For Ncemaneni

01 May 2018

Kind hearted Elâ Shuker from Winterfold School, Chaddesley Corbett has come up with the idea of organising an afternoon tea style charity event to raise money for Ncemaneni, Winterfold’s sister school in South Africa for her Young Apprentice Challenge. She wanted to do this by selling sweets and slime to her friends at the event which was an afternoon tea, served with finger sandwiches, cakes and drinks.

In preparation for the event, Year 7 pupil Elâ from Clent made 50 slime pots and presented them in cellophane bags with mixed sweets. Elâ also successfully sold some of these during the last week of term at School.

For the event, Elâ chose a charity chick (soft toy) to boost her sales and she successfully raised just over £100 from sweet and slime sales and tickets to the event.

Elâ will continue to raise more money over the Easter holidays and wishes to return to School with a nice sum as part of her contribution to the Young Apprentice Challenge. She is due to attend the South Africa trip with School next year and is already excited to meet the children that she has raised money for.

Photo shows: Elâ (holding the chick) and her friends at their afternoon tea event.