Wellington School Pupil in National Yacht Race

28 Jul 2017

A Wellington School Year 11 pupil Harry Nuttall-Owen will be taking part in a prestigious national yacht race.

Harry has been selected as a representative of the UK Royal Navy CCF for the Tall Ships Baltic Sea Race 2017 (1st to 15th July 2017). He will sailing from Halmstad , SW Sweden across the Baltic Sea northwards to land at Kotka in SE Finland. He will be sailing in the region of 800 miles on this 2 week voyage on a 2 masted 15m long ketch.

This is an opportunity few are selected for and Harry is rightly excited to be Wellington School’s representative. It is a testament to the opportunities provided by Wellington School RN CCF that Harry’s sailing experience and expertise has been recognised at a national level. Well done Harry!

Photos : Harry Nuttall-Owen at the helm – he will be taking part in the Tall Ships Race in July.