Viking Day at The Manor

27 Apr 2015

On Thursday 5th February at The Manor Prep School in Abingdon, all of the girls in Year 3 will be taking part in Viking Day with a workshop provided by the History company, History Off the Page.
As part of their History Topic studying the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings, the children become Vikings for the day, arriving at school in their well-prepared costumes and assembling with a ‘Viking Warrior’ to learn about the Viking activities that they will be doing.
In the morning the girls take part in a range of activities including making herb potions, clay pots, candles, jewellery, clay lamps which will burn using olive oil and weaving.
In the afternoon the girls are archaeologists, each with a tray of soil in which they have to find and sketch some historical objects and try to guess the period of History they are from.
‘The day makes the Viking Topic come alive for the girls. They are engrossed from start to finish and they learn so much!’
Kerry Hayward-Moss, Year 3 Class Teacher