Trinity opens 1965 time capsule and buries another for 2065
06 Oct 2015
Old Boys, pupils, parents and staff from Trinity School (Croydon) all gathered to watch the ceremonial opening of a time capsule buried in 1965 in the Portland stone wall outside the front entrance. Nine-year old Joel Cuttle, the youngest pupil, together with Mrs Jane Berthoud, who worked at Trinity at the time, removed one by one the items that had been locked away in their copper container for half a century. The presence of Mrs Jane Berthoud was particularly significant as she remembered the original occasion, being the PA and then wife to the then Headmaster.
Students and guests looked on with much interest as school items such as a tie, reports containing some classic ‘could apply himself more’ comments, a sports fixtures programme and a list of governors were brought to light, interspersed with various objects of the day such as a newspaper, a set of stamps, coins minted in 1965 as well as a piece of stone from the building that pre-existed Trinity School on the Shirley Park site.
Joel Cuttle then had the task of filling a specially engraved lead box with a selection of items from the present day. A miniature Rugby World Cup 2015 ball to represent Trinity hosting the French team, a School diary, a USB stick with school pictures and a video message to the future Head, a newspaper, stamps and a mobile phone, amongst other things, were crammed into the new capsule. It will take the place of its 1965 counterpart and is not to be opened until 2065.
Headmaster Mark Bishop said: “It was a great delight to see the Trinity community past and present gathered together to celebrate 50 years of school history in just a few objects. These tell a compelling story to all of us, whether we are nine or 90.”
This year Trinity School celebrates 50 years on its present site. A number of events are organised to mark the occasion and a special fund has been launched to raise money for 50 new bursaries. Former pupils who would like to attend future events are asked to contact Trinity School on 020 8656 8541 or email
Photo: Joel Cuttle (aged 9) with Jane Berthoud open Trinity School 1965 time capsule