Thorpe House School – Happy 90th birthday your Royal Highness!
15 Jun 2016
What a day we’ve had celebrating the Queen’s birthday! The day began with the Queen and Prince Phillip greeting the boys and their parents at the Pre-Prep gates before taking a tour of each of the classrooms. They particularly enjoyed being sung to by the Nursery boys!
The boys and staff then came together in the hall to sing a wonderful rendition of ‘God Save the Queen’ before joining in with happy birthday whilst the Queen blew out the candles on a fantastic three tier chocolate and vanilla sponge cake made by Mrs Treves.
After presenting the prizes to the winners of the crown competition (Nursery – Hugo, RLC – Avi, RMS – Florian, 1AD – Agastya, 2KM – Nikhil and 2MJ – Ollie) the boys enjoyed birthday cake in the sunshine on the lawn.
Then, at lunch time Pre-Prep and Prep enjoyed a fantastic ‘street party’ in the playground before heading to the Pre-Prep field for party games organised by the Headmaster. The younger and older boys teamed up and it was a lovely sight to watch the older ones encouraging the younger ones!