The Peterborough School – Early Years Provision Rated Outstanding
25 Feb 2016
The Peterborough School’s Nursery and Reception Classes have received glowing endorsement by being rated Outstanding in every area inspected in December 2015.
The Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) team visited and found the school to be fully compliant with all regulatory requirements and, in particular, assessed the following areas:
Overall effectiveness: the quality and standards of the early years provision was rated outstanding
Effectiveness of the leadership and management was rated outstanding
Quality of teaching, learning and assessment was rated outstanding
Personal development, behaviour and welfare was rated outstanding
Outcomes for children was rated outstanding
It is usual for a recommendation to be made following any inspection but we were delighted that the inspectors found no areas for improvement making no recommendations.
The overall flavour the final report is summarised in the following quote:
‘The setting is highly successful in its aim to unlock the potential of each and every child. The provision for children’s individual needs, learning and care, including those with SEND or EAL, is excellent. Children make excellent progress in their learning and development from their starting points and are prepared extremely well for the next stages of school.’
Headmaster, Adrian Meadows, particularly thanked the Nursery and Early Years staff at the school, but had special plaudits for the children, saying: “The Inspection report contained so much high quality praise, especially pertaining to the children’s learning, personal development and behaviour, and I’d like to take this opportunity to thank them; they welcomed the inspectors really warmly and made their task very enjoyable”.