The Downs Malvern – Year 4 Trip to Harvington Hall
25 Oct 2016
On Wednesday 19th October, Year 4 went on a fantastic trip to Harvington Hall.
Whilst on thetrip, Year 4 learned all about the infamous Priest Hides, designed by Nicholas Owen. Theyhad the opportunity to squeeze in to one of the hidden hidey-holes and tryto remain as silent as possible!This proved to be quite challenging for some (!), but helped them see how difficult it would have been for the priests to stay quiet for over two days, whilst the searchers tried to find them
The childrenpretended to be rich Tudors, learning about Tudor clothing and etiquette and were taught a couple of dances, which was great fun!
Theyalso experienced what life ‘downstairs’ would have been like, becoming house servants and learning about the kitchens, food, jobs and expectations.
Some gruesome, grotty and gory pieces of information were enjoyed, including how Nicholas Owen was ‘stretched’ as part of his torture and how clothes were hung in the toilet (garderobe) because moths and fleas didn’t like the odour that expelled from that particular room!
All of Year 4 came home with happy memories of a very educational and enjoyable day.