Students at The Peterborough School Perform Excellently in the new GCSEs

31 Aug 2017

Despite the content of the new GCSEs being tougher, students at The Peterborough School are celebrating excellent results, with 98% of them gaining five or more passes at A* to C or grades 9 to 4.

The percentage gaining five or more passes including English and maths (grades A*-C or 9-4) is 89%.

56% of the old style grades were at A or A* (84% at A*-B) and, despite schools being warned to expect only a small proportion of grade 9s, 10% of the TPS English and maths grades were at this exceptionally high level, over three times the reported national figure.

39% of the cohort amassed a haul of at least eight GCSEs at A or A*/Grade 9-7.  Amongst these, Chloe Hayes achieved an almost perfect combination of grade 9s and A*s in her 11.5 subjects.  Other top performers included Diya Banerjee, Olivia Barnes, Hannah Bassett, Georgina Parker and Joyce Ye, all of whose grades were in the top categories of A, A* or 9-7.

Headmaster, Adrian Meadows, is delighted with the overall results, saying: “Our students have performed exceptionally well with the more challenging GCSEs; the number gaining benchmark grades is extremely high and I congratulate them all.  We have not seen the predicted volatility in grades but rather a swelling in the number gaining the top grades and I am delighted that so many students will be carrying very strong results into the Sixth Form”.