Stonyhurst’s sixth formers celebrate Oxbridge offers

02 Feb 2015

Three students at Stonyhurst College have received Oxbridge offers this term. Mary Flanagan has an unconditional offer from Trinity Hall, Cambridge to read English. David Richardson has an offer from Trinity College, Oxford to read Chemistry; Anthony Chow has an offer from Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge to read Engineering.
Mary joined Stonyhurst’s prep school, St Mary’s Hall, in year 7 and has been a leading light in the school’s drama throughout her time at Stonyhurst. Anthony joined the Ribble Valley school from Hong Kong in year 9 and has been very involved in music (forming his own jazz band) and robotics. David came to Stonyhurst for his sixth form education and has excelled in sport as well as science. The Headmaster Andrew Johnson said: “We are delighted by their success, which is thoroughly deserved. All three have demonstrated total commitment to their chosen subjects as well as playing a very full part in the life of the school.”

Photo (from left to right): Anthony Chow, David Richardson and Mary Flanagan