St Edmund’s School A-Level Exam Results
16 Aug 2018
Students at St Edmund’s School Canterbury are celebrating some outstanding A-Level performances.
Despite the challenges posed by the reformed linear A-Level qualifications, the school’s overall pass rate was 97% with the number of A* and A grades increasing by 2% from last year.
There were a large number of notable individual achievements throughout the year group, with most students achieving or outperforming their predicted grades.
Students have won places at elite universities and medical schools including Cambridge, LSE, UCL, Bath, Exeter and Warwick.
15% of the year group achieved the equivalent of straight A’s or better at A-Level with many attaining the coveted A* grade across a range of subjects.
We also experienced tremendous success with the Extended Project Qualification (an assessed research project with AS Level status). 73% of entries achieved A*-A grades and three projects were described as “exceptional” by the exam board.
The Head of St Edmund’s School Canterbury, Edward O’Connor, said “I am extremely proud of the excellent results achieved by our outgoing Upper Sixth. They are a richly talented year group and these results are a fitting reward for their hard work and commitment and the outstanding support provided by our dedicated teaching staff. We wish the Class of 2018 every success as they move on to the next exciting stage of their lives and thank them for the wonderful contribution they have made to the school.”
Photo: Celebrating their exam success: Megan Curtis, Charles Bourne, Isra Jalaly, George Turner