St Edmund’s Canterbury – Dedication of new stained-glass window
13 Jul 2017
On the 28th June, the Bishop of Dover, the Rt Rev Trevor Willmott, came to the school to dedicate a new stained-glass window installed above the entrance doorway to the chapel. It has been designed by Tim Gill, and given to the school by Tim and his brother Philip, in memory of their father, the Rev Christopher Gill (Foundationer 1942-45, Captain of School 1945-46, and School Chaplain 1960-76).
Bishop Trevor preached on Matthew 5.14-16 (“You are the light of the world”) and the Cathedral Choristers sang Howard Goodall’s setting of ‘Love divine, all loves excelling’. Senior School pupils and staff were joined by friends of the school, many of whom knew Mr Gill.
This window is a stunning addition to our school chapel; something of great beauty that greets the eye both as we enter and leave the chapel each day.