Sibford School – Students give pond a spring clean

28 Mar 2019

A group of four Sixth Form students from Sibford School near Banbury in Oxfordshire have been spending their lessons standing waist deep in water in a bid to improve the biodiversity of the school’s wildlife sanctuary.

As part of their BTEC Countryside Management course, the students have carried out an investigative project on the school pond … and as a result have cleared both the banks and the water of overgrown vegetation and invasive species.

Student Charlotte Kirk said: “We assessed and surveyed the pond in early January to identify the biodiversity present. It was evident that the pond was in a healthy condition as even at this time of year we found a range of species including dragonfly larvae, daphnia, water boatman and leeches.

“However it was clear that if these and other species were to flourish urgent work was required.”

At the back end of January therefore the students went into the pond with waders to remove invasive species such as bogbean and reed mace. They also cleared the banks of overgrowing weeds and scrub.

“Cleaning the pond was a challenge as it was partially frozen!” said Charlotte. “But despite the cold we managed to get all the work completed and hopefully these improvements will allow a greater variety of species to flourish in the future.”