Sibford School – Planting to remember

20 Jan 2019

Pupils at Sibford Quaker School near Banbury have planted remembrance saplings to commemorate the centenary of the Armistice.

Every year since 1984, Year 7 students have been invited to make their mark on the Sibford landscape by planting trees or hedgerow plants.

But this year’s planting was especially significant as the school decided to coincide it with the 100th anniversary of the end of World War One.

The event was organised by Sibford Sixth Form students who are studying Countryside Management. Prior to the planting they read the Laurence Binyon poem ‘For the Fallen’ following which the pupils held a short silence before picking up their spades to start planting.

Countryside Management teacher, Hannah Copping, said: “Planting living species is a poignant way to remember those who have died and we therefore wanted to dedicate this year’s planting to all who lost their lives in World War 1 and other conflicts since.

“It is great to be able walk around the campus and to see the trees and hedgerows that have been planted over the past 30 plus years and I hope that this tradition will continue at Sibford School for many more years to come.”