Royal Alexander and Albert School – School Rewards High Achievers

21 Oct 2015

Seven of the Royal Alexandra and Albert School’s Sixth Form students have been given scholarships in recognition of their outstanding grades at GCSE.

The School awards scholarships to students who achieved at least 6 A*s at GCSE. A Major Scholarship, worth £1000 per year, was awarded to Oscar Brown, Ruth Grossmann and Josef Willsher for achieving at least 8 A*s at GCSE

Minor Scholarships, worth £500 per year, are awarded to students who achieved at least 6 A*s at GCSE. This year, Minor Scholarships were awarded to Ronald Kwok, Victoria McWhirter, Brittany Regan and Abbie Staton.

Mr Spencer Ellis congratulated the Sixth Form students on their scholarships. He said, “We have some very bright and able students in our Sixth Form. They worked hard on their GCSEs and they are being rewarded for their outstanding grades. I wish them all the best in this academic year.”