RGS Worcester – Getting Ahead at the Careers Expo

11 Apr 2016

The whole of the RGS Worcester site became a Careers & Higher Education EXPO recently, which provided students from RGS and those from other Worcestershire schools with the opportunity to meet professionals from a wide range of organisations to gain an insight into and begin to build up a picture of what life in the world of work is like. RGS is currently expanding its Careers provision to ensure that pupils receive the best possible advice for Sixth Form subject options, university application and other career paths.

This year 120 representatives from a wide range of organisations exhibited at our largest fair yet. Many of the UK’s leading Universities along with a large number of non-UK Universities attended including The New York Film Academy and Full Sail University. In addition we had representatives from many different professions including Accountants, Solicitors, Medics and Architects, together with a variety of different businesses from IT and Technology to Construction, Engineering and the Financial Services.
The Healthcare and Engineering sectors were particularly exciting with retinal scanners in operation. Companies such as Qinetiq and Rolls Royce attended and BOSCH delivered a STEM lecture.

The aim of the Careers Department is to engage all RGS pupils in the next stage of their career pathway and to make sure that each and every child knows what opportunities are available to them. I hope the pupils and parents who visited the fair enjoyed and benefitted from the experience.

Mrs Sophie Nicholls – Head of Careers

Photo: The SME Solicitors’ stand