Retiring Sibford Deputy Head gets gunged for charity

26 Jul 2017

Sibford pupils marked the retirement of their Deputy Head by covering her from head to toe in green gunk … but it was all in the name of charity!!

Retiring Sibford School Deputy Head and Head of Boarding, Maggie Guy, had an unusual send off after she agreed to be covered from head to toe in green gunk!

As part of the school’s support for Banardo’s, the official charity of the Boarding Schools’ Association, Sibford boarding staff agreed to take part in a ‘Gunge Off’ with pupils making a donation to the charity to select who would be the (un)lucky winner!

And with Maggie just a few days from retirement they couldn’t resist their last opportunity to vote her in top place as the recipient of a bucket full of grim-looking goo!

“It was a memorable way to mark one of my last days at Sibford,” said Maggie. “Although I got completely covered in green slime, pupils were all very good natured. Most importantly, it was all in aid of a very worthy cause.”

In addition to the Gunge Off pupils also paid to come school wearing green casuals and enjoyed green cakes and green milkshakes. More than £570 was raised which, when added to earlier fundraising events, will mean that Sibford pupils have raised more than £1,000 for Banardo’s.

Earlier in the day, Maggie, who joined the school 33 years ago, had taken her very last English lesson with Year 7 pupils who chose to mark the occasion with a party.

“I have truly loved my work both as Deputy Head and Head of Boarding,” said Maggie. “Sibford is a wonderful environment with outstanding pastoral care and a learning environment which helps each individual child achieve their best. I am looking forward to retirement and time to ‘Live Adventurously’ as we say here at Sibford.”