Renowned Broadcaster Inspires Young Historians
05 Mar 2012
Renowned archaeologist, historian, broadcaster and author Neil Oliver spent a day at Strathallan School earlier this week inspiring young historians.
Mr Oliver has become a familiar face following his success as the lead presenter on the BBC’s award winning “Coast” series. His television work inspired a group of twelve year olds, who inundated their celebrity guest with questions in a workshop earlier on in the day. Following this, the enthralled group managed to drag themselves away from mystical tales of the past, such as only Mr Oliver can deliver, and set about filming their own historical programme with their esteemed guest presenter.
Mr Oliver ran another question and answer session for a group of Sixth Form historians and ended the day with a fascinating talk to all Senior Pupils on how he went from studying archaeology at Glasgow University to his television debut in 2002 and beyond.
‘It was an inspiring and fun day for all involved. Mr Oliver’s enthusiasm for history was infectious and his ability to engage with pupils of all ages was fantastic- a truly motivating day’ said History teacher John MacLean.