Reach Higher with Kings Brighton

29 Aug 2018

GCSE and A-level results days’ mark significant educational milestones. They are points at which students make personal choices about the next critical stage of their journey. An independent sixth form college, such as Kings Brighton, may be the answer.

Kings’ aspiration is always to be student-centred; to place the best interests of each and every student at the core of all they do. Examination grades are one measure of success and Kings students certainly achieve impressive results. Kings 2018 results include:


81% A* – B (9 – 6)

86% A* – C (9 – 4)

48% Grades 9 – 7 in Maths


A*-A      42%

A*-B      65%

A*-C      80%

However, Kings believe their role is about much more than just statistics, it is about changing lives. The following extracts from a recent conversation with Kings Brighton student, Joe, and his mother, Colette, provide a personal insight in to the Kings difference.

Joe: It is amazing to think how far I have come, as a journey, the help I have been given, the guidance and support. Just getting me to this point is unbelievable,

I am over the moon.

Colette: When we discovered the Kings opportunity and met with the Principal, who was amazing, it totally felt right. He said to us “We will work with Joe to find the right pathway for him and we will customise his education for him”, I thought “This is just gold.” What Joe has had from the tutors, the academic and emotional support have been great.

J: It is because of Kings that I am going to university… Kings has been a great step, a building block towards that, learning to be independent.

C: The environment here has been amazing and the relationships he has made have been a great bridge for university because he has come out of the school environment and made a great bunch of international friends.

J: Friends for life.

J: At Kings, I had the balance. Yes you enjoy yourself, you make your friends, there are so many activities you can do but also the education standard, the level of teaching, the support you get is on another level to something you would get anywhere else.

C: I am thrilled. Thrilled and proud and grateful and thankful, everything. Because it takes a village, sure Joe has to do his part because no one can do it other than him but the infrastructure, the teaching support that he has had have been inspirational. They should all feel really proud.

J: I found that I was more capable than I thought, and I was understanding things a lot more. There are so many different ways of learning and Kings help you to find the way that you learn best… and this was incorporated into my lessons.

C: That kind of custom learning he wouldn’t have got that if he had of stayed where he was. Everyone learns differently, and you have to be able to engage with your teachers, enjoy their company and want to be with them. Kings were able to do that and custom design to get the best out of Joe, we know that it is in there, we just need to find it and pull it out.

J: When you are loving learning, when you are having fun, when you are doing this because you like it, rather than because you have to; they get the best out of you, they get that belief out of you.

C: I would like to say good luck to anyone else who comes here and is afforded the same experience and opportunity. It is the best thing that could have ever happened to us.