05 Nov 2015
Two teams from St Andrew’s Prep recently attended the inaugural Eastbourne College Public Speaking Competition. Six schools took part in the event with eleven teams competing overall. The speeches were written without staff input and were practised largely in the children’s own time. The standard was incredibly high and all those taking part performed superbly.
The St Andrew’s teams relayed their speeches without a single mistake and when it came to the judging, Sophia Titterton-Manos, a Year 6 St Andrew’s pupil, picked up the prize for the most persuasive closing speech.
A section from Sophia’s winning speech entitled Endangered Animals follows:
“There are many ways that you can help, from simply making a donation to taking part in fundraising events. You could join Team Panda and run, cycle or swim your way to helping the cause. You could even adopt an endangered animal either for yourself or as a gift. For Christmas this year, I’ll be asking Mum and Dad for a Giant Panda! As American Politician Jay Inslee once said, “What is a fish without a river? What is a bird without a tree to nest in? Remember that YOU can make a difference.”