17 Aug 2012

Prior Park pupils’ ‘stalwart effort’ in their academic studies, as singled out in the recent ISI Inspection, was rewarded with outstanding A Levels results, published today.

Indeed the College is celebrating a 99.7% pass rate, the best in the last 5 years. With over 70% of pupils achieving the top A*- B grades, and 9 in every 10 entries achieving A* – C grades, the vast majority of our leavers have gained entry to their chosen universities. Subjects to shine this year included Art with over 70% of pupils attaining A*/A results, Chemistry with 65%, Further Math and Theology with 60%.

Notably, the College’s six medical candidates achieved tremendous success, including Head Boy, Joe Barron-Snowden (UCL) and Head Girl, Nina Tanna (King’s London). Also of note was the confirmation of places at Oxbridge for six pupils. These include Jonty Lord and Hector Craft who received their stunning results on the back of the A* results that they had already achieved for the EPQ (Extended Project Qualification). Jonty achieved 2 A*, 2 A and 1 A (AS Level), while Hector Craft was justifiably proud of his 3 A* and 1 A results.

Headmaster, James Murphy-O’Connor comments: “In a year group of close to 100 pupils, the diversity of degrees that many of them are now embarking on is truly remarkable, with subjects ranging from medicine to fashion design. So today we celebrate stunning academic achievement and also the exciting diversity of talent that it has been our privilege as a school to nurture and challenge. Not all pupils find academic endeavour particularly easy, and so we have immense pride in those who have exceeded beyond their own expectations. This has been a happy, friendly year group who will be much missed.”