Oxford International Study Centre – Short programmes in Oxford 2015

06 Mar 2015

English Language: History and Usage

The study of Language has fascinated human beings for centuries. This short programme introduces students to Language, its history and usage. It deals with the various branches of the subject, and is relevant both to those who have some previous experience of the subject and also to those who are curious to find out how language works. The programme concentrates upon English as an international language, although other languages are used for comparison.

The course includes:

§ The History of English
§ Structure and Use of English in its modern form
§ Language, Culture and Society
§ The global diversity of English
§ Language and change
§ Styles of writing – advertising, journalism, etc.

These short programmes (from two weeks to three months) are offered throughout the year, and there are no set dates, but most students prefer to come in summer, when some of the classes are held in the University (www.ox.ac.uk). Students must have 5.5 IELTS or equivalent. We accept both groups and individuals.

For further information please contact: international@oxintstudycentre.com