Oxbridge Success for Wellingtonians
20 Jan 2017
22 Wellingtonians have been offered places to study at the UK’s two leading higher education institutions.
Many congratulations to the 22 Wellingtonians who have recently found out that they have been offered places to study at the UK’s two leading higher education institutions. With competition for places, both from national and international candidates, stronger than ever at both universities, it is fantastic news that 76 Wellingtonians have now been offered places over the past three years – well over 10% of the College’s graduates. With over 20 pupils also moving on to US universities each year, many to Ivy League institutions, there has never been a better time to be a Wellington College Sixth Former in terms of success rates to elite universities.
Bucking the trend of recent years, during which time Wellingtonians have enjoyed a slightly higher number of offers from Oxford, Cambridge heads this year’s list with 13 offers, and it is particularly pleasing to see such a wide spread of courses across Maths, Sciences, Languages, Classics, English and the Humanities. Every department has enjoyed success.
Well done to them all!