Over half of A level pupils at St Swithun’s School achieve 3 As or better
18 Aug 2016
Girls at St Swithun’s School are celebrating successful A level results against a national back-drop of decreasing numbers of top A level grades. Impressively, over half (54%) of girls achieved three A grades or above and in 10 subjects, including physics, further maths, history and Spanish, 100% of candidates achieved an A*-B grade.
23% of candidates were awarded an A* grade and 66% of entries awarded grades of A* or A (compared to the national average of 25.8%)
St Swithun’s leavers will now go on to study degree subjects including biology, biomedical sciences, chemistry, economics, English, geography, law, mechanical engineering, medicine, music, neuroscience, physics and politics at universities including Oxford, Cambridge, Durham, UCL, Exeter, York, Warwick, Edinburgh and Imperial College.
Jane Gandee, headmistress of St Swithun’s, said “What I most enjoy about results day is seeing the girls achieving grades that they had not previously thought possible. We are proud of their tenacity and their self-belief even when things don’t go as they had hoped. I hope that this year’s leavers will take their mental toughness out into the world and change things for the better.”