Outstanding (I)GCSE results at Sherborne School

09 Nov 2018

Following on from an excellent set of A levels, we are delighted that Sherborne’s talented and dedicated Fifth Form boys have followed suit and been rewarded with an excellent set of GCSE results.

With the phased introduction of reformed GCSEs, this is the second and final year with a mixture of numeric and alphabetic grades and it is clear that our boys have risen magnificently to the academic challenges presented by the new assessments.   Over a third of their exams were awarded the top grades of A* or the equivalent grades 9 and 8.  Just under 60% were graded at A* to A or 9 to 7 and over 95% were graded A* to C or 9 to 4.

Particularly impressive was the number of grade 9s awarded.  This new top grade is equivalent to the upper end of the old A* grade band and was awarded to only 4.3% of GCSEs nationally.  Among Sherborne’s reformed GCSE results, the grade 9 percentage is a superb 13.8%.  It is particularly noteworthy that in Mathematics a whopping 26.8% of our boys received a grade 9 (compared to just 3.6% nationally).

More than a fifth of Sherborne’s boys achieved top grades (A*/A and 9, 8 and 7s) in all their GCSEs.  Among the most remarkable achievements was that of Ben Fuller (f) who gained six A*s and seven grade 9s.  Others who performed exceptionally well include Will Gower (a) with six A*s, three 9s, and two 8s; Harry Harvey (b) with eight A*s, two 9s, three 8s and one 7; George Jefferson (e) with six A*s, three 9s, one 8, and two 7s; Christian Johnson (d) with six A*s, two 9s, and two 8s; Aaron Kim (b) with 6 A*s, three 9s, one 7, and one 5; Ollie Lampert (g) with five A*s, four 9s, one 7, and one 6; Alex Mewett (a) with seven A*s, three 9s, and one 8; Oliver Noble (m) with five A*s, three As, three 9s, one 8 and one 6; Jasper Pring (g) with six A*s, four 9s and two 7s; Sam Reynolds (c) with four A*s, one A, four 9s and two 8s; and Ignacio Rivero-Anglada (a) with six A*s, one A three 8s, and two 7s.   Many other boys also did superbly well, securing excellent grades in addition to excelling throughout the year in sport, music, art, drama and myriad other activities

Headmaster Dr Dominic Luckett commented ‘I am so pleased for these fabulous young men whose talent and dedication have helped them achieve such outstanding results.   That they have done so well is a reflection of their levels of academic commitment and consistent industry.  It is also a product of the wonderful encouragement and support that they received from their teachers and other staff.  I am tremendously proud of the boys and grateful to all those who have helped to inspire, guide and nurture them’.