17 Aug 2017


With a remarkable 64% of students attaining  A*-A grades and 83% gaining A*-B in the new format A-levels 2017, The Maynard School in Exeter has certainly proven itself as one of the leading girls’ schools in the entire country.

“I am one very proud and happy headmistress,” said Sarah Dunn. “After two years of exceptional hard work, I am thrilled for all of our students to have gained such amazing results.

“Over a third of our students achieved straight A*s and As which is an incredible achievement,” added Miss Dunn. “All the results across the board are a direct result of the special culture and ethos here at The Maynard and what is so evident is how well the girls support each other. There is also a fabulous relationship between the students and staff which, when combined, creates a truly positive and nurturing learning environment.

The girls have all worked so hard and deserve this success to use as the springboard to pursue their own individual dreams. I am very, very proud of both the students and their teachers.”

The class of 2017 have some exciting prospects ahead of them, covering a huge range of options – from Natural Sciences, English, History and Music right through to Mathematics, Medicine, Economics and Theoretical Physics.

One such student is Fiona Shi, from China, who joined the school at the start of the Sixth Form and achieved A*AA to seal her place to read Electronic Engineering at the University of Exeter. “I am very happy with my exam results and I’m very glad that I made the right decision to come to The Maynard. I’ve had a great experience and I love all of my teachers who have been very friendly and helpful.”

Scarlett Gray from Silverton near Exeter was also in celebratory mood. “I’m so pleased that I got the offer I wanted and all my friends have their first choice of universities as well. It’s such a relief!” she said. “I couldn’t have done this without The Maynard – the guidance and the help I’ve had is just so much more than I could have got anywhere else!”

In a first for the school, Charlotte Toptani, with A*AA, is off to study at Tokyo’s Waseda University, which is an exceptional achievement bearing in mind she was competing against international fields for her place. Additionally, Emily Barlow, who gained AAB and has turned down a place at Bristol, is off to London to gain first hand business experience and qualifications in one of the new government backed Higher Apprenticeships. “I did so much better than my predicted grades and I can’t thank my teachers enough!” she said. “I am hugely excited about my next chapter and can’t wait to head to London!”

Other stand out performers were Emily Staddon (3A*s and an A) and Kate Middleton (A*, A*, A, B) who will both go to Durham University to read Natural Sciences whilst Lucy Byles, who achieved 3A*s and an A, will read Theoretical Physics at Birmingham University. “I am just so, so happy. For weeks, I have been praying that I would get my grades and I can’t even begin to explain how relieved I am feeling! It’s all so exciting and worthy of a large celebration with all of my truly amazing friends!”



64% A*/A

83% A*/B

100% Pass Rate

Over a third of students achieved straight A*s and As

100% A*-B in Extended Project Qualification

30% of A-levels were for STEM subjects