Oswestry School – Horse-Riding Dream Come True
01 Jun 2015
An Oswestry School pupil, fourth former Timoney Orritt, has achieved her dream of competition riding at the world famous Badminton Three Day Event. The Badminton Grassroots competition offers amateur riders of all ages and from all over the country the chance to qualify by securing top places in a series of one day events and regional competitions. Timmy has been riding since she was 3 years old, and has had her horse, Rolo, since she was 9. At 15 years old currently, she was one of the youngest in the competition, which she describes as “A dream come true, I loved every minute of it!”.
Horseriding is a popular activity amongst pupils and there is an Oswestry School showjumping team who regularly compete in local and national events. Pupils may also choose horseriding as their regular weekly sports activity, with lessons taking place at a nearby riding stables.