Oswestry School holds its first International Student Fair

17 May 2018

On Friday 27th April pupils at the senior school of Oswestry School came together to celebrate the many different cultures represented in their first International Fair.

Students from 17 countries shared some of their customs, history and language with pupils from Bellan House in Years 3 to 6 and senior school pupils from First to Fourth Form. The Fair was held in the school gym and was a riot of colour with flags, posters and ornaments. Some pupils and staff also wore national dress. There were kilts, English football shirts, dirndl, Ukrainian, Nigerian and Romanian shirts, Indian and Thai dress and even some daffodil headdresses!

The international snacks were the highlight of the Fair as pupils enjoyed baklava, chocolate brownies and sausages from Bulgaria and Greece while ‘Tayto’ crisps, rock shandy and homemade cupcakes provided a taste of Ireland. There were Indian papads, Nigerian chin chin, Irn Bru and shortbread from Scotland, Welsh cakes, Georgian Easter cake, Ukrainian sweets, homemade German Brezeln, a homemade Thai sweet called foi thong, Spanish ham and dried sausage and Chinese tea.

Alongside this ran a ‘Where in the World?’ picture quiz that had pupils trying to identify countries from important landmarks. Pupils learned some idiomatic expressions from Montenegro and Romania, watched photo presentations from USA and Georgia, tried their

hand at pronouncing the longest town name in Wales, tested their German language skills, danced to Nigerian music and had fun kicking the Chinese feather Jianzi.

Organiser and International Students Officer, Mrs Nicola Selby, commented, “This was a wonderful afternoon. Huge thanks must go to all the pupils who held stalls; they certainly got into the spirit of the event! Another big thank you goes to all our visiting pupils for helping make it a success. We look forward to the second International Fair next year.”

Photo: Myles Wilkinson and Brinda Cheema from India