Olé at Sadlers Wells’ Flamenco Festival

20 Mar 2014

Every year Sadlers Wells holds a Flamenco Festival where the best Flamenco dancers,singers and guitarists are invited to perform. This is now our third visit to the festival and each time we go we are amazed by the prowess and speed of the dancers, the singers’ passion and the guitarists flare.
This year we took 37 pupils from years 8-6 and for some this was either their first foray into Flamenco and for others it was the third. This performance was quite intense, sombre and yet quite original. This was the first time that we have seen a female guitarist and also the first time that we have seen a female dancer dress and dance the steps that the male dancer performs. Despite the late night I think pupils have experienced yet another element to this art form.
As always our pupils were a credit to the school and several of the audience remarked how well behaved they were and how smart they looked.

Mrs Dodson