Monkton Prep celebrates outstanding inspection and a new state-of the-art development

05 Aug 2015

Monkton Prep School has been described as “outstanding” in every area for its Early Years Foundation Stage (2-5 year olds) after a recent visit from the Independent Schools Inspectorate. It is a superb achievement to have been judged outstanding in every category and this comes at an exciting time as the school announces the start of the building work on an impressive development for the school.

This inspection covered the provision of care from Nursery children aged 2 up to the start of school in Reception and encompasses the quality of provision, the progress in learning, the setting, and the leadership and management. The report found that “The setting makes outstanding provision. It successfully fulfils its aim to encourage curiosity, creativity, sensitivity, ambition and empathy by ensuring that adults respond to children’s interests through a broad curriculum with exciting and challenging experiences throughout every area of learning”.

Monkton was also described as having “imaginative, stimulating and well-resourced indoor and outdoor areas.” and that the “children are enthusiastic, happy and engaged learners who make strong progress in relation to their starting points….They are kind friends to one another…Their behaviour is exemplary.”

This exceptional inspection report was received just as Monkton Prep School announced that building work will commence this summer for a new development. The expansion of Monkton Prep School will provide a new Pre-Prep and Nursery building linked to the Prep School bringing together the teaching resources on the school site. This will enable the school to enrich the curriculum for the youngest children in new purpose-built classrooms. The development will also include new play space, state of the art facilities, a refurbished and upgraded sports centre and swimming pool as well as scope for the development of other teaching areas at the Prep School.

Headmaster of the Prep School Mr Marshall-Taylor commented “It has been a wonderful year for us here at Monkton Prep. There has been much to celebrate so it is fantastic to be able to add the amazing results of the ISI inspection and the imminent start of the building work to the list as well. This exciting development is the result of a great deal of work from the dedicated team of staff we have here at the Pre-Prep and Prep School. I would like to thank our staff for their work, commitment and contribution which make Monkton a truly special place for our pupils. I am looking forward to another exciting year ahead as we continue to look at ways in which we can raise the quality of the education that we offer further still”.