Milton Abbey Celebrates Ten Years of Girls

14 Oct 2016

Milton Abbey School has been celebrating an important landmark: it is ten years since the school became co-educational. With girls originally joining Milton Abbey in the sixth form, this changed in 2012 when the school became fully co-educational and now girls are now very much at the centre of everyday life at the school.

Headmaster Magnus Bashaarat said, “It is hard to think of Milton Abbey as anything other than a coeducational school; girls flourish here and are contributing at the highest level to all aspects of school life whether that is in the classroom, on the sports field, in the music or art departments or in positions of responsibility. The transition was a smooth one and we are delighted that our girls’ house, Hodgekinsons or ‘Hughies’ as it is better known, holds its own in school competitions, winning quite a few of the most sought after prizes and that it is full. That in itself is testament to how successful the transition has been.”

As part of the celebrations, Milton Abbey held a ‘Girls Fun Day’ when many of our girls played host to younger girls who came along to take part in a variety of fun activities including a scavenger hunt, cupcake decorating class and drama workshop. A delicious lunch was enjoyed in the school’s Abbot’s Hall, which dates back to the 14th century, followed by tea in the Girls’ House later in the afternoon. The girls took home with them their beautiful individual collages created using treasures collected during the scavenger hunt, as a reminder of their day with us.

Since going fully co-educational in September 2012, approximately one third of each year group is made up of girls, with numbers rising every year. Assistant Head (Teaching and Learning), Natalie Perry, said “Milton Abbey’s size allows us to tailor the curriculum around our pupils’ interests and talents so girls can really focus on what they excel at which builds enormous confidence. We are proud that as a nonselective school every one of our pupils got into their first or second choice university this summer. We also develop transferable skills throughout a pupil’s five years at Milton Abbey; as well as the traditional academic subjects we offer more vocational options such as BTECs in Creative Media, Enterprise and Entrepreneurship, Hospitality, Countryside Management, Sport, Performing Arts, Music and Design- 3D and graphics. These subjects are more practical based and hands on and pupils can choose to study a mixture of traditional or more vocational subjects.”


Photo: some of our younger visitors to the Milton Abbey Girls Day with celebratory cake…