Milton Abbey and ‘As You Like it’- Brownsea Island

12 Jul 2017

The cast of this summer’s Brownsea Open Air Theatre (BOAT) production of ‘As You Like It’ will include two members of the Milton Abbey School community. School Counsellor Harry Susser and fifth form pupil Bobbie King both successfully auditioned in January and are busy rehearsing in preparation for the opening night on 24 July.

Harry has acted in many productions on the island but for Bobbie this will be her debut on stage with the theatre company. Harry plays the enigmatic, philosophical Jacques, whose famous speech ‘The Seven Ages of Man’ will be familiar to many in the audience whilst Bobbie plays a young archer who has retreated to the idyllic Forest of Arden to join the court of the banished Duchess Senior.

The Brownsea Open Air Theatre is a registered charity which has donated more than £200,000 to the National Trust, proceeds from their annual Shakespeare productions, since 1964. ‘As You Like It’ runs from 24 July 24th to 12 August and Director, Brian Woolton, is no stranger to the island as he has played major roles in BOAT productions since 2009. However, this is the first time he has directed for BOAT and it promises to be an exciting debut as his creative vision takes shape.

For the audiences, performance evenings start with a ferry trip from Poole, followed by a picnic in the island’s idyllic setting and then the play itself which is held in an open air auditorium. For the actors, being part of BOAT is a unique experience: from Sunday set building days on the island, indoor and outdoor evening rehearsals at Pelhams Park and Brownsea itself, to being able to watch the wildlife at close quarters once the daytime visitors have left.

The production has powerful and imaginative lighting and sound effects, carefully choreographed fight sequences, live music, colourful and elaborate costumes and a magical set.

Harry says of the production, “This is my tenth production with Brownsea Open Air Theatre and I am very honoured and a just a little bit scared to have the famous speech, ‘All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players…’”

Bobbie adds, “I have really enjoyed the rehearsals for my first full production of a Shakespeare play with such a well established company. I am looking forward to performing in front over 500 people a night and having my family, friends and teachers in the audience.”