Millfield student volunteers at vaccination centre
30 Apr 2021
Millfield student Tom Williams supports the mass vaccination rollout for his local community
Millfield Lower Sixth student Tom Williams has been supporting his local community by volunteering at a local vaccination centre.
Rugby Scholar Tom has supported his hometown of Cardiff during the mass Covid-19 vaccination rollout, assisting the nurses with cleaning equipment, writing out vaccination cards, handing out leaflets and supporting elderly citizens walking to and from the centre.
Seventeen year old Tom joined the Millfield community in Year 5 at Millfield Prep School and has supported his local clinic several times during the school holidays alongside his Mum who is a registered Nurse.
At the beginning of the pandemic, Tom alongside his brother Owen who is in Year 11, delivered baked goods to hospitals, out of hours doctors surgeries and emergency services. The boys also contacted several warehouses and organised a delivery of drinks and fresh fruit directly to the emergency admissions department at their local hospital.
Tom says the experience was humbling, “I can honestly say I was really moved when the ambulance crew who were parked up outside A&E almost cried with gratitude…had we not have had daily school, we would have signed up to help on the wards as volunteers. I have realised how even the smallest gesture can make a big difference and how incredibly hard it was for the NHS staff to have worked during these horrendous times, the sacrifices they have made are unimaginable to us.”
Tom is studying BTEC Business and is working towards his Leiths Introductory Certificate in Food and Wine alongside pursing his passion for sport, having been selected for the Bath U17 and U18s Rugby Academy.
Headmaster Gavin Horgan says, “Tom’s community efforts typify our school values and he is exemplary to all students and staff, being kind and contributing to society in the most challenging of
times. It is fantastic to see our students supporting their local communities and this is something that we are extremely passionate about here at Millfield. Community is a significant part of Millfield life and gives our students societal skills to take forward to their future studies and beyond.”