Millfield Prep – Year 6 explore migration through thematic learning

03 May 2018

Year 6 pupils have started their new topic of learning called ‘Moving People’. The concept of this unit is to understand that sometimes people choose to move or it is sometimes forced upon them, and the impact this causes.

This week, pupils took part in group discussions regarding how pupils spent their Christmas break and how other people around the world may have spent theirs.

In order to appreciate forced migration, the pupils had to imagine they needed to leave their country and become refugees. They went outside and in teams they built shelters that could keep them safe, dry and warm. Everyone worked incredibly hard on their shelters and demonstrated brilliant cooperation, adaptability and resilience.

The pupils continued to think further into migration in general, especially what different factors cause this and the impact it has upon individuals and families. Everyone discussed and wrote about their own knowledge around this topic and then researched into more detail.