Millfield Prep – Guys and Dolls production receives rave reviews

11 Mar 2016

The whole of Year 8 took part in an epic production of Guys and Dolls, with every pupil playing a part on stage or behind the scenes. It was true team effort and the props and costumes were superb. It was said that some of the acting was the best witnessed for years – perhaps some budding stage stars are among us?

“Being a Hotbox Dancer was amazing. I always looked forward to dance rehearsals.” Polly, aka Hot Box Dancer

“Sparkly hats, pink tops, cowboy boots – what more could you want?” Maria, aka Liberty

“I liked being part of the production, it was like a harmonious team.” Mac, aka Big Jule

“I thought pulling curtains was a very important job. I think I coped under the pressure.” Jack, aka Curtain Puller

“I liked the competitiveness of trying to win an imaginary husband in the Hot Box.” Darcy, aka Mary Lou