29 Oct 2018

Mayfield School is celebrating another year of exceptional A Level results, among the best in recent years.  Girls have successfully secured places on highly selective courses at leading universities in the UK and overseas including Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial, UCL, Durham, Edinburgh, Bristol, NYU and in      Europe to study a wide range of academic disciplines encompassing Natural Sciences, Engineering, Medicine, Economics, Design, Linguistics and Psychology.

Mayfield’s results are impressive across the extensive A Level academic curriculum offered.  20% of all entries were awarded A*, with almost 60% graded A*/A and 80% A*/B.  Almost one-third of all girls were awarded three or more A*/A grades and this year fourteen subjects achieved 100% A*/B grades (up from eleven in 2017).  Mathematics remained the most popular subject at A Level, with an impressive 30% securing the top A* grade and 83% A*/A.  The School’s equally strong reputation for the creative arts is reflected in almost 100% of students achieving A*/A grades in Art, Ceramics and Textiles and 60% attaining the top A* grade.  Particularly remarkable is the perfect score of 100% achieved by Natasja from Crowborough, East Sussex, in A Level Ceramics and she is looking forward to her undergraduate studies at the prestigious Scandanavian Academy of International Fashion and Design in Copenhagen.

There are a number of other outstanding individual performances including:

Former Head Girl Chelsea from London (A*A*AA) is excited to be taking up her place at Bristol to study Medicine.  She said of her time at Mayfield, “The School encourages and supports us all to aim high and to work hard to reach our goals and I am very excited about what the future holds!  We are given opportunities from an early age to become involved in a broad range of activities and to discover and develop our talents.  I have loved my time at Mayfield and the School has prepared me well for the next exciting stage of my life”.

Amanda from Tunbridge Wells (A*AAA), the worthy recipient of a prestigious Cambridge University Choral Scholarship, is looking forward to studying Linguistics at King’s College, Cambridge.  Amanda has been immersed in the musical life of Mayfield throughout her seven years, performing with Mayfield’s choir, Schola Cantorum, at special events in Westminster Abbey, Westminster Cathedral and St Paul’s Cathedral.  Amanda also achieved the top Distinction award in her ARSM Performance Diploma, taking her exam on the same day as her History A Level.

Beatrice from Hong Kong achieved an outstanding four A* and one A grade and plans to pursue her study of Medicine in Hong Kong, whilst Martyna from Poland, who joined the Sixth Form at Mayfield under the British Alumni Society Scholarship Programme, achieved four A* grades and has been awarded a full scholarship to NYU to study Engineering.

Headmistress Antonia Beary comments:

“I continue to be delighted by our girls’ impressive achievements.  Mayfield has a proud tradition of distinction in a wide range of disciplines and this year, once again, our girls have excelled across the board, confirming the strength in breadth and depth for which Mayfield is acclaimed.  It is important to note that not only have the straight A* girls achieved the grades they deserved but many girls have exceeded their own expectations, discovering their strengths and passions at Mayfield, and today leave the School with the highest possible grades.  The results reflect the girls’ commitment, determination and hard work as well as the inspirational teaching, first-class pastoral care and dedicated support and encouragement of our staff.  I am confident that our girls will go on to enjoy the challenge of undergraduate study, as they have the skills to make the most of the opportunities university life and future careers will offer.  Mayfield girls graduated this year with First Class degrees from Oxford, Cambridge, Warwick and a host of other outstanding international universities.  Proof, were it required, that Mayfield prepares girls to go on to excel in their chosen fields, whatever they may be.”

Mayfield offers an extensive curriculum in the Sixth Form, spanning the range of traditional academic subjects and a wide selection of creative and performing arts disciplines.  Girls follow a tailored programme of study and, reflecting the rounded nature of a Mayfield education, many will balance a combination of arts and sciences.  Mayfield has a tradition of cultivating academic excellence.  The curriculum, both within taught lessons and beyond them, is designed to create an environment in which questioning, reflection, risk-taking and the freedom to learn from mistakes are all encouraged.  Class sizes are small and inspirational teaching, from highly-qualified and dedicated staff, enables girls to flourish and excel, reflecting the equal value placed on every subject and the breadth of curriculum offered.

The School also offers a Sixth Form Enrichment Programme, promoting critical and independent thought and intellectual enquiry beyond the curriculum, as well as a Life Skills course, which prepares the girls for the future through the development of key employability and practical skills.  Personalised higher education and careers advice and guidance is provided by specialist advisors to support girls in making excellent informed choices.