Lord Wandsworth College pupils shine in new exam landscape

17 Aug 2017

After continuing academic progress and development throughout the year at Lord Wandsworth College, and against a national landscape of more rigorous examination assessments, the pressure was on for the cohort of 2017, but LWC pupils delivered some superb academic stories, with 32% of all results being graded A*-A, 63.1% A*-B (an increase of 6% on the previous year) and a pass rate of 99%. With significant investment in teaching and pastoral facilities over the summer close to completion and over £10m more planned within the next 5 years, the future looks bright indeed for this all-round school with an academic heart; a school which also has record levels of interest and record numbers of pupils attending this September.

Huge congratulations, in particular, go to Katherine Heywood, who achieved 4A*s and an A* in her EPQ (she heads on to Cambridge to read Medicine), followed closely by Miles McDuffus, Charley Rogerson, Harry Badger, Dan Budd, Hannah Evans and Georgia Warner, Jake Samut, Ella Jeffery and Kate Towsey all of whom achieved at least 3 A grades.

The year group further provided an almost clean sweep of A*s in their Extended Project qualifications as they took and applied their subject knowledge to university-degree level.

Headmaster, Adam Williams, said,  “ as a school which is utterly committed to Character Education, Pupil Voice and an all-round education, our pupils can be rightly proud of some fine exam performances which will spur them onwards and upwards in their future careers to make a positive difference in the world, where curiosity, creativity and emotional intelligence are key.  They have been supported by some inspirational teachers too, who constantly strive for new and innovative ways to deliver an ever-changing curriculum.“


Photo:  left to right – Charlie Rogerson, Harry Badger, Hannah Evans, Adam Williams (Headmaster)