Leehurst Swan – Appcessible Team Visit to Wessex Archaeology

15 May 2019

Our Appcessible City Challenge team went to Wessex Archaeology to develop ideas for their App. They were mentored by a team of experts in archaeology, IT and design, who all helped with ideas for developing their app. They were delighted to be reacquainted with Phil Harding, a judge at the City Challenge final. The team discussed the stories from Salisbury’s history that could be accessed via the app. They looked at using historical maps and photographs to help unveil the past. They are now looking at developing their initial route through a number of possible themes: famous people, water, trades, disease or pubs!

A massive thank you to Wessex Archaeology for arranging this incredible opportunity for our students!  Mrs Wright remarked that the team was ‘Blown away by the wide-ranging and far-reaching work.’  She continued that ‘The curriculum was really brought alive by such a varied, helpful and patient panel of experts. They really helped the boys to develop their ideas to take their Appcessible App forward.’