Kent College, Canterbury takes ‘Senior Leadership Team of the Year’ at the prestigious 2015 TES Independent School Awards

14 Jan 2016

Kent College, Canterbury has taken the ‘Senior Leadership Team of the Year’ award at the prestigious 2015 TES Independent School Awards

The senior leadership team’s (SLT) energy and enthusiasm for continual improvement has driven Kent College forwards while keeping at its heart the development of every pupil and colleague. The SLT has broadened the college’s appeal by improving academic rigour and accountability and gaining recognition for its innovative approach. Alongside excellent A-level results the introduction of the prestigious International Baccalaureate Diploma has been key to attracting some of the very brightest students both locally and from further afield.

Every aspect of the school was  found to be  excellent by the Independent Schools Inspectorate at its most recent inspection, stating “The educational vision is defined and developed and is successful in catering for and stretching the individual with bespoke timetables and accelerated learning flowing from Kent College’s Methodist maxim of being ‘the best you can be’. A spirit of innovation and development pervades Kent College with a palpable sense of connected thinking and shared vision.”

Kent College is bucking the national trend with pupil applications increasing year on year. The school is expanding both locally: by bringing Lorenden School, a good local prep school, into the Methodist Independent Schools’ Trust : globally with the opening of  Kent College Dubai in September 2016.

The judging panel highlighted “consistent brave leadership from an impressive school”.

As winners the SLT attended a black-tie event in at the Grosvenor House Hotel, London, hosted by Michael Portillo, where over 400 attendees celebrated all that is outstanding in independent schools across the UK.