Kent College Canterbury – results just get better and better!

17 Aug 2017

Nothing could dampen the spirits at Kent College on results day!

Kent College students and staff are celebrating another record year for A level results, with over 79% passed at grades A*-B, a 100% pass rate and almost half of all grades at A* – A.

Particular congratulations for high levels of academic achievement go to the following top performers at A level:

Bill Cain, Elizabeth Letley, Alan Han, Esther Anemeje, Filippo Brioni, Crystal Ding, Nikolay Krushinskiy, Rachel Huang, Mofane Lam, Daniel Marsik, Jim Lyu, Max Tio, Anna Udras, Gareth Owens, Kexin Zheng, Christy Siu, Clio Rudgard-Redsell, Zishen Wang, Hannah Watton, Alan Wu, Jack Yu, Charlotte Woods, Robert Sotillo.

These results follow IB outcomes which were also the best the school has achieved. The results will enable access to top universities in the UK and further afield: Alice Scharmeli scored a perfect 45 points and will study Medicine at Wadham College, at the University of Oxford. Head Girl, Emily Insanally scored an impressive 44 points which has secured her place at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge to study Economics. Head Boy, Robbie Whittaker also achieved 44 points and a place at St Hugh’s College, Oxford to read History.

All students gained places at their universities of choice including Oxford and Cambridge. Hannah Watton secured a prestigious sports scholarship at Kentucky University; Carla McIntyre and Christy Siu will take up places at LSE;  Clio Rudgard-Redsell will study Veterinary Medicine at the University of Nottingham; Jim Lyu has been offered a place at Melbourne University; and Filippo Brioni has been awarded a top scholarship at Bocconi University, Milan.

Along with top scores in the IB announced in July these A level results secure UCAS points in the new tariff (the basis for university offers) with an average of over 160 per student: the equivalent of A* A* A.


Executive Head Master, Dr. David Lamper said,

“I am delighted with the very high levels of academic achievement shown by the students who took examinations this summer. They worked extremely hard whilst at the same time adding an immense amount to the extra curricular, musical, dramatic and sporting life of our community. They have been excellent ambassadors of Kent College and they deserve every success. I am also delighted for my colleagues who have worked so hard in supporting and nurturing the development of all our students. Many congratulations to them all.”