IB Students Celebrate Success – Leighton Park School
14 Sep 2022
The IB Class of 2022 were excited to receive the results of two years hard work today as the International Baccalaureate Organisation shared their Diploma Programme grades worldwide. The international qualification is excellent Sixth Form preparation for future studies, offering a broad base of subjects supplemented by compulsory modules that prepare students for university and life beyond. While some schools only recommend the IB Diploma for their top academic students, Leighton Park’s student-centred approach sees the value of the programme for any student who enjoys course work and interdisciplinary projects, has an international outlook and doesn’t want to narrow their subjects down at this stage of their education.

Head of Sixth Form, Helen Taylor, with Phillipos Makridakis
Just over 5,000 of the IBDP’s 2022 cohort of almost 174,000 students are based in the UK as more and more of the country’s teenagers are keen to secure a globally relevant qualification, which is valued highly by UK and International universities alike. One such student keen to expand her academic horizons is Queralt, a full boarder from Spain who achieved 39 points: “I’m going to the US to study Aerospace Engineering at the University of Buffalo in the State of New York; it’s a bit scary but I’m very excited for it. I’m very happy; honestly it’s been two years of really hard work. So seeing it pay out; it’s amazing, I can’t believe it really, it’s just amazing!”
The IB course comprises of three standard level subjects and three higher level subjects, each graded 1 to 7, and compulsory modules in Theory of Knowledge, Extended Essay and Creativity Action Service (CAS) which are pass/fail. The maximum number of points is 45. Given that this year group did not sit GCSEs in 2020 due to Covid, their limited experience of public examinations has added an extra layer of pressure to a busy course load.
“It was a very interesting experience, especially having to complete it during lockdown because it was very different, it was very disrupted but I really liked that we managed to complete it and get such good grades!” explained Angelika, who is hoping to study International Relations at King’s College London with her 38 points. Tisa, who scored 36 points against a global average of 31.98, is looking forward to reading Music at an Irish university next year reflected, “I really enjoyed the course, it’s very diverse and it’s definitely interesting so I think it was the right course for me. The people on the course are lovely; I’m especially thankful for all my teachers because it’s not been easy. I’m happy it’s over and I’m excited to go to University next year.”
Philippos, who achieved 41 points, is off to read Biomedical Sciences at the University of Warwick, having easily met his offer of 34 points. Delighted with his success, Helen Taylor, Head of Sixth Form, observed, “Their standard offer is 36 points and you were offered 34 which is a testament to the strength of your application and the quality of your work.”
Helen continued: “I’m very proud of the achievement of all the IB students they’ve had a difficult time with the pandemic but have achieved a fabulous set of results.”
The School is offering Year 10 and 11 students the opportunity to learn more about the IBDP at the Sixth Form Open Evening on Tuesday 11th October 2022 from 6.30pm or you could watch the Leighton Park IB video on youtube at https://bit.ly/IBVideo2021