Homefield Prep School – Fantastic Results in Townsend-Warner History Prize

19 Feb 2016

We are delighted to announce some extremely pleasing results following Paper one of the Townsend-Warner History Prize.

The Townsend-Warner History Prize has been running for 130 years and is one of the oldest institutions in the preparatory school world. It has proved enduringly popular in encouraging the study of history amongst children, provoking interest and delight in historical reading, facts and analysis.

Paper one consisted of 100 questions demanding one-word or one-sentence answers on world history but with a strong emphasis on British history.

This year saw the largest number of entrants the Prize has ever had so to have five Homefield boys qualify for Paper two and finish in the top 40 is a fantastic achievement. Harry in Year 7 was the top placed Homefield boy in the competition, finishing a very impressive 19th out of over 1,000 entrants this year. The other qualifiers were as follows:

Ved – 25th
Angus – 26th
Felix – 33rd
Harry – 37th

Paper two will consist of a two hour essay paper to be taken on 22nd February. We wish our five boys all the very best of luck.