Highclare Reception class fly high at Cosford Air Museum

04 Apr 2018

Highclare Reception R recently wrapped up warm & braved the cold weather to experience their current topic of ‘Transport’ first hand at the RAF Cosford Museum.

Highclare School trips are not only a fantastic opportunity to learn more about different topics in a fun environment but are always a fantastic resource intended to enhance further learning opportunities within the classroom.

Highclare Reception pupils wanted to convey their favourite parts of the trip and they have done so through a writing opportunity with their teacher once back in their classroom.  I think you’ll agree it sounded like a thoroughly enjoyable day!

Our trip to Cosford Air Museum.

On a very cold and blustery March 1st Reception R went on a trip to Cosford Air museum as part of our ‘Transport’ topic.

Firstly, we were able to see the enormous planes and learn about what makes planes fly and what they look like inside and out. They are enormous!!

We had the privilege to sit in a fighter jet and pretend to be pilots. We moved the pedals and controls and made parts of the plane move!!

As part of our topic, we learnt what happens when you go on holiday. We had made a passport at school so we able to board the plane. We also had our passports and luggage checked and went through a security scanner. Some of us dressed as the pilot and some of us air stewards and stewardesses handing out food to the passengers.

It was a very fun trip and we can’t wait to carry on our topic back and school.

From Mrs Larner and Reception R.