Heathfield School students celebrate sweeping A Level success

08 Nov 2018

From Medicine to Fashion – Sixth formers impress across the board

Heathfield celebrated sterling A Level results with nearly nine in ten students (89%) achieving all A*-C grades and over two thirds (70%) gaining all A*-B grades.

Despite the new, more demanding examinations, grades have significantly improved on last year with 32% of students achieving A*-A. In addition, 75% of students achieved an A*-A and 100% A*-B in their Extended Project Qualification (EPQ).

Solid academic performances were recorded across the subject board with 67% of students securing an A in Maths and 100% A-B. 66% gained an A*-A in Geography, 100% an A* in Latin, 100% an A in Music and 67% an A in Spanish. Of those girls who chose to take an extra language at A Level 100% secured A*-A grades.

Students of note include: Evie who secured an A* in French, A in Psychology, A in Spanish and an A* in her EPQ and will be studying Psychology at the University of Exeter.

Aspiring vet, Eva who achieved an A in Biology, a B in Chemistry and an A* in Latin is set to study Veterinary Science and Medicine at the University of Surrey. In addition, Asuka – a Japanese student who was unable to speak English when she first joined the school – secured an A in Maths, an A* in Japanese and a C in Chemistry. Asuka plans to study Maths and Philosophy at the University of Bristol. Asuka is also now an accomplished Grade 8 Cellist and Pianist. She gained an A in Music A Level which she studied and sat in just one year.

Commenting on the results Headmistress Marina Gardiner Legge said: “Here at Heathfield we are renowned for celebrating the individual and focusing on the particular talents of all our girls so that everyone is empowered to be the best possible version of themselves. This year in particular we have demonstrated that diversity of strengths as our sixth formers leave us for a fantastic range of courses spanning Medical Sciences, Veterinary Science, Law, Economics, Art and Design, Textiles and Fashion at universities including Bristol, Durham, Edinburgh, Exeter and Newcastle.

“This year’s sixth formers are the second cohort of students to take the new format, linear A Levels introduced by the government in a bid to make A Levels tougher and a better preparation for university.

“Our students worked extremely hard to realise their potential and have done so well as a result,” she said. “Building on excellence, these results continue to reflect the hard work of our students and the tireless efforts of the staff, hand-in-hand with our parents. We are so proud of their achievements.”