Girls at St Swithun’s excel in core subjects at GCSE
27 Aug 2014
Girls at St Swithun’s School, Winchester achieved excellent results in core subjects at GCSE, with 73% of girls achieving an A* in English literature, 89% in German, 79% in French and 75% in Spanish. Over 50% of biology, maths, technology and drama entries were also awarded the top grade. Even more impressive were the results for further maths GCSE in which 100% of entries were awarded A* with 81% of those achieving A* with distinction. This grade is only available for further maths candidates.
Overall, 53.6% of entries were awarded A* (compared to the national average of 6.7%) and 84.2% of entries were awarded A* or A. 25% of the year group achieved 9 or more A* grades with two girls achieving 11 and one girl 12.
“I am delighted for the girls and our staff with these results, and in particular to see such outstanding performances in the core subjects” said headmistress Jane Gandee. “St Swithun’s is an unashamedly academic school, but it is the amount that our GCSE students contribute to school life outside the classroom which is remarkable. The many opportunities that the school offers away from academic study allow the girls to develop the characteristics which are so fundamental a part of the education that we offer. We see the girls developing courage, compassion, commitment and initiative, along with a moral compass and a sense of humour.”