Four Oxbridge Offers for Burgess Hill Girls
15 Feb 2023
Burgess Hill Girls is celebrating a record year for Oxbridge applications with over twenty percent of the Upper Sixth applying and over ten percent of the year receiving offers for 2023 entry.
Abi Pendlebury, Maisie Mewis and Sarah Bewick, all current Upper Sixth students at Burgess Hill Girls, and Francesca Evans, applying during her Gap year, have all received offers from Cambridge University.
The three Upper Sixth Formers all joined Burgess Hill Girls as scholars in the Sixth Form and credit the extra support they have received from the school as helping them secure their offers.

Sarah Bewick, Maisie Mewis, Abi Pendlebury
Abi Pendlebury has an offer to study Natural Sciences at Robinson College:
“Burgess Hill Girls set-up interviews with external teachers which gave me a close experience to the real thing.”
Maisie Mewis has an offer to study History of Art at Murray Edwards College:
“Applying to Oxbridge can be nerve-wracking, so having teachers who understand the process is really helpful.”
Sarah Bewick has an offer for Linguistics at Newnham College, where her older sister is already a student.
“The community at Burgess Hill Girls gives lots of support, both on an academic and pastoral level, and this really helped me during the application process.”

Francesca Evans
For Francesca Evans, who has an unconditional offer to study English at Pembroke College, this was her second time applying.
“Applying post-A Level was definitely an advantage for me as I had my grades secured. I also applied last year. Though I was unsuccessful, having that experience was massively helpful for my preparation this time.”
Head of Sixth Form, Iain Regan-Smith, could not be prouder:
“Abi, Maisie, Sarah and Francesca worked extremely hard and thoroughly deserve their offers. Francesca’s success is a fantastic example to those who were unsuccessful first time round, and indeed to all our students, to follow your dreams and do not give up. In the end, hard work and determination will triumph.”