Finton House School – Sports Day 2017

31 Aug 2017

The atmosphere on our Sports Day 2017 was fantastic as the whole school community came together to watch the 4 houses Macmillan, Charrington, Thomson and Nunneley, which are named after the founding families, compete on the day for the prestigious annual Sports Day Cup.

The children impressed the audience with some all-time-high school records in the 800m and 1500m runs, sprints and long jumps. Although a competition, Fintonians made us very proud with their attitude towards the event. They showed respect, cooperation, endeavour and resilience on the day.

All teams had a brilliant time and of course everybody hoped for their house to win the cup. The excitement could be felt on the field as the children prepared for the final announcement of the winner by Mr Ben, Headmaster. After some very nerve-wrecking minutes, the results were out…and Macmillan was announced as the winner of the Sports Day 2017!

At this point there was no way to stop the green team; they jumped, screaming and hugged each other, happy about their well-deserved victory! The house captains proudly picked up the trophy and a loud cheer went up from the crowd to congratulate them, as they posed for a victorious photograph.

The other houses congratulated the winning team in true Finton House style. What a fantastic way to finish the academic year for sports at Finton House School!