Exchange Students leave their ‘Wellington School family’ to return home

15 May 2015

Our Australian exchange students leave the UK next week after six weeks studying at Wellington School.

Our four delightful girls came from St Hilda’s College, Southport on the Australian Gold Coast, and have spent weeks living with the families of Year 10 girls Olivia Weatherlake, Lucy Hemming, Hannah King and Maddie Parsons.

The Australian girls, Georgia Adamson, Claire Watson, Rosy Atkins and Clancy Greening have had a super time here and thoroughly enjoyed being part of the Wellington family

“This has been a once in a lifetime opportunity where we have made friends that we will keep for life,” remarked the girls.

Three of our Wellington School pupils are lucky enough to be flying out to the Australian Gold Coast to meet up with their Australian friends.  They will spend six weeks there over the summer where they will attend school and learn from the different culture.


Photo: Wellington School Pastoral Deputy Head, Jeremy Hallows, Wellington School pupils Olivia Weatherlake, Lucy Hemming, Hannah King and Maddie Parsons.  Visiting Australian pupils Georgia Adamson, Claire Watson, Rosy Atkins and Clancy Greening and Headmaster Henry Price.